Could You Be A Devil

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Sarin is what they call me. Obsessed with Channing Tatum, Chris Brown, Adriana Lima, Rosie Huntington

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Last Friday of School 2010 =)

Aww, yesterday, 12.11.2010 Friday was our last Friday of 2010. Everyone knows Friday is our favorite day of the week right?. Well it is, so we all decided to head to school to celebrate. HEHE, it wasn't as emotional as it seems but yeah last Friday right? Pfft. Yeah so, the gamma's had their class party with Big Apple donuts and Mc D's burgers. Unfortunately the rest of us weren't aloud to steal some food. Hmphhmph. But let me tell you how that day really started. Well, I went to school because one of my friend's begged me too. Okay, not really begged but you get the point? So I did. When I got there, it was empty. Like really freaking empty. I saw 10 students in the whole school compound. Seriously? So I went looking for my friend, could not find her. So I hung out a bit with the gammas and they said they saw my friend, so I called her no answer. Where was she? I had no idea. So I called my mum, told her to pick me up. While waiting outside, pfftt guess what? Yeah they came, meaning they my friend and another friend. HEHE. Yeah so I called my mum told her not to pick me up, she was on the way and she was pissed so yeah. Got the scolding. But worth it right? Later after that, we did a couple of random stuff, like we went up to class, went to people's houses and volleyball. Sounds lame doesn't it, but it wasn't. I had fun. Sorry Mum but it was worth it. Talk about last day being fun. =)

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