Could You Be A Devil

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Sarin is what they call me. Obsessed with Channing Tatum, Chris Brown, Adriana Lima, Rosie Huntington

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Pool Party =)

Thurday 30th Dec Annabel had had he birthday party. 

A pool party!

Obviously I was invited. LOL.
Yeah it was awesome...  

The food and the fun ;) HELL YEAH!

 I arrived a little late with one of my friends Shwe Wen ;)..
 So like yeah, when we reached it was like the most awkward moment of my life. 

No one was said anything, just a couple of hellos .. 

After a while it got fun when we threw water balloons and swam. OMG that was fun alright. 

Well there isn't much to blog about because of the fun happened when we were swimming. 

Since I already mentioned that I can't say more =).
Unless of course i'm able to write "SO FRIGGIN FUN" 50 times. Unfortunately that can't happen. 
So that'll be it