Could You Be A Devil

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Sarin is what they call me. Obsessed with Channing Tatum, Chris Brown, Adriana Lima, Rosie Huntington

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Warm Welcomes =)

LMAO your all probably wondering welcome to what? Wait that ain't right. Your probably thinking "Another dog?... Seriously. God! Hope too see how this works out". LMAO

Well yeah, its another dog. =). Its going perfect if you'd have to know. So to hell with you if you think this can't be handled, because it certainly can. XD

Woops, back to topic! Well its a rottweiler! WOOHOOOO! *screams* No people it is not a killer dog. A dog is a dog. They way you treat in and raise it is how it'll grow up to be. Im sure there is such of a thing as natural instincts. Of course. But there's always away to make it a un-fierce dog. Im sure there is. And I even found out how. Nope I'm not gonna tell you how. LMAO.

So this rottweiler, its a she! Yes another she. LMAO. Name probably isn't gonna be posted. Neither is other information. LMAO. Paranoid Woman!!! Here's a little something how she looks like.

It may not be a puppy, just gonna warn you. But this picture is just so cute. How can you resist? SERIOUSLY!

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