Could You Be A Devil

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Sarin is what they call me. Obsessed with Channing Tatum, Chris Brown, Adriana Lima, Rosie Huntington

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Frustrating Shows -_-

Just gonna go out of topic for awhile but isn't this woman just the ugliest thing? I really do thing so. LMAO.

Okay were back. Yeah have you watched just the most frustrating shows. Like you could just die watching them. Their such good shows. But for god sakes tell us already. Not to say I don't like the suspense but that just makes us want to watch it more. But,but you get the feeling right.

Im gonna talk about the top two most frustrating shows and I mean serials not movies.

1. How I Met Your Mother
GOD! This show is just so cool. Like how can you not love it right? But the thing is 1 story to his children is like 6 seasons. I haven't even watched the 6th season there might be even more. I just wanna know who the mother is. For god sakes. And we all know its not gonna be Robin the one on the chair because Ted the dude looking at Robin said that's how I met your Aunt Robin at one point. So who the hell is she gonna be? The suspense is killing me. 
               Well that's number one. But number two is .....

2. Dexter
You know DEXTER the show? The really cool show. The one I talked about before? Yeah! Such an awesome show. But it's so freaking frustrating! One criminal is one whole season. Plus one episode is and HOUR! The suspense kills us all. Just get to the point. But seriously the suspense make the show cool the way it is. 

     Though I complain about the show. I'd  hate if the suspense wasn't there. But yeah just telling you how frustrating a show can be XD. But you get why i posted this right?

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