Could You Be A Devil

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Sarin is what they call me. Obsessed with Channing Tatum, Chris Brown, Adriana Lima, Rosie Huntington

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Last minute awesomeness =)

Yeah Man!
Today was so fun, like i haven't gone out like this in a really long time.

The reason its called "LAST MINUTE AWESOMENESS" is all in the story.

So here goes,
When I arrived at school two people were harping on me to go somewhere, they were like free food, free trip and ...................... At first I though it was lame because it was suppose to be some kind of educational trip and those people that were harping on me to go were totally not my type so yeah. Later, after that, some of my close friends said they were going so I was like really? What? OKAY? OKAY!! After that I rushed to the registration thang for this trip and yes I don't know what else to call it other then "registration thang", with one of my so called "BUS BUDDY" LMAO.

So I turned up going and it was like sorta fun. Especially on the bus, we all went nuts singing, well just singing LMAO. When we reached our "destination" well they were right, free food which was KFC. LMAO. Yeap you read right we had a free KFC meal. And of course plenty of sweets and chocolate. =). On that trip I guess I gotta a lot of advice, well not about educational reasons, just advice for me and my life like for me. Heh XD.  The place was so cool too. Yeah so after that, back on the bus and more singing and fun.

Woah, I would have really regretted if I didn't go. So yeah total last minute awesomeness don't cha think?

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